201 through 220 of 2769 source records
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DetailsLast Name, Alternate SpellingFirst NameLast NameLast Name, Second Alternate SpellingBuilding NameBusiness NameAddress
DetailsE. O. Stanard Milling Companycorner of Main & Bates Sts.
DetailsE. Tillotson & Co.405 Walnut St.
DetailsE. Tumalty & Bro.911 Chestnut St.
DetailsEagle Iron Works606-611 North Levee
DetailsEagle Loan Company714 Pine St.
DetailsEagle Machine Works Manufacturing Co.940 & 942 North Main St.
DetailsEagle Pattern and Model Company701 Pine St.
DetailsEast St. Louis Hardware Company
DetailsEaston Avenue Boarding and Livery Stable3217-3223 Easton Ave.
DetailsEau Claire Lumber Co.
DetailsEddy & Eddy709 & 711 North Main St.
DetailsEdward Butler & Son106 South 10th St.; Cass Ave., between Glasgow & Garrison Aves.; Graves Road & Prairie Ave.; Channing Ave. & Locust St.; Parnell St. & St. Louis Ave.; 18th & Pine Sts.; Broadway & Gratiot St.
DetailsEdwards & Francissouthwest corner of 3rd & Green; 4th & Market; 7th & Franklin Ave.; 4th & Carondelet Ave.; Broadway & North Market Sts.
DetailsEhret-Warren Manufacturing Company113 North 8th St.; Levee & Convent St.
DetailsEicks Brothers1451 Cass Ave.
DetailsElectric Dental Rooms
DetailsElks' Club
DetailsEllis & Gundelfinger313 & 315 Locust St., between 3rd & 4th Sts.
DetailsEly, Collins & Hale1918 & 1926 Chestnut St.
DetailsEmanuel's1204 South Broadway