221 through 240 of 1702 source records
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DetailsLast NameFirst NameLast Name, Alternate SpellingMaiden NameBusiness NameAddress
DetailsFirst Methodist Episcopal Church South
DetailsFirst German Methodist Episcopal ChurchWash and 16th Sts.
DetailsAfrican Methodist Episcopal Church
DetailsUnited Hebrew Congregation
DetailsOld Cathedral
DetailsSt. Alphonsus (Rock) ChurchGrand and Finney Aves.
DetailsSt. Louis Protestant Orphans' Asylum
DetailsSt. Louis Association of Ladies for the Relief of Orphan Children
DetailsSt. Louis Women's Christian Association
DetailsMemorial Home for Old MenGrand Ave.
DetailsBlind Girls' Home1731 North 20th; 1828 Wash St.; Garrison Ave. and Dayton St.
DetailsYoung Women's Christian Association
DetailsGirls' Industrial Home
DetailsHome of the Friendless4431 South Broadway
DetailsIsabel Crow Kindergarten Association3401 Morgan St.; 1206 South 7th St.; 1223 South Broadway
DetailsMethodist Orphans' Home Association
DetailsMethodist Orphans' HomeMaryland and Newstead Aves.
DetailsKing's Daughters of St. Louis
DetailsNewsboys' Home
DetailsQueen's Daughters