2221 through 2240 of 2622 source records
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DetailsLast NameFirst NameLast Name, Alternate SpellingCorporate NameAddress
DetailsSteuberChas.Fillmore & East Monroe
DetailsSteuberM.Fillmore & East Monroe
DetailsStevensD.Woodbine & Magnolia
DetailsStevensJohnWoodbine & Magnolia Aves.
DetailsStewartEmma479 North Taylor Ave.
DetailsStill633 North Taylor
DetailsStillL.633 North Taylor
DetailsStites240 East Jefferson Ave.
DetailsStoeppelworthC.126 East Monroe
DetailsStoeppelworthWm.126 East Monroe Ave.
DetailsStoryLeah205a North Van Buren Ave.
DetailsStraubAugusta335 West Woodbine
DetailsStraubChas.225 South Webster
DetailsStraubChas.418 Rose Hill Ave.
DetailsStraubChris446 North Geyer Ave.
DetailsStraubDora446 North Geyer
DetailsStraubFred335 West Woodbine Ave.
DetailsStraubL.225 South Webster Ave.