2341 through 2360 of 2622 source records
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DetailsLast NameFirst NameLast Name, Alternate SpellingCorporate NameAddress
DetailsTrotterJ.203 North Van Buren Ave.
DetailsTrotterSarah203 North Van Buren
DetailsTruaxD.109 West Jefferson
DetailsTruaxJ.109 West Jefferson Ave.
DetailsTuckerA.South Webster near Frisco
DetailsTuckerU.South Webster near Frisco
DetailsTuran419 West Jefferson Ave.
DetailsTuranDrew419 West Jefferson
DetailsTurnerAlbert669 East Madison Ave.
DetailsTurnerBetsie661 East Madison
DetailsTurnerEd661 East Madison
DetailsTurnerGeorgia427 West Jefferson
DetailsTurnerJohn427 West Jefferson Ave.
DetailsTurnerM.669 East Madison
DetailsTylerLucy143 East Clinton
DetailsTylerM.143 East Clinton
DetailsTylerMollie421 South Harrison
DetailsTylerSamuel421 South Harrison Ave.
DetailsTylerW.143 East Clinton Place
DetailsUdeChas.651 North Dickson St.