261 through 280 of 946 source records
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DetailsLast NameFirst NameBusiness NameAddress
DetailsRodgers' Hotel
DetailsRoehrig & Jacoby1414 Franklin Ave.
DetailsRowland & Rockwell211-215 North 6th St.
DetailsRumford Chemical Works110 Vine St.
DetailsS. D. Porter & Co.720 Pine St.
DetailsS.J. Brittain & Co.604 & 606 Franklin Ave.; 829 North 6th St.
DetailsS.R. Udell & Co.114 Pine St.
DetailsSalt Association of Michigan105 North 3rd St.
DetailsSam'l Wainwright & Co.Cerre St. between 9th & 11th
DetailsSamuel D. Warren & Co.10 southeast corner 5th & Olive Sts.
DetailsSanderson & O'Connor617 Chestnut St.
DetailsSchaeffer Bros. & Powell325 & 327 North 2nd St.
DetailsSchlueter & Bro.408 Franklin Ave.
DetailsSchulenburg & Boeckeler Lumber Co.10th & Mullanphy Sts.
DetailsSect Wine Company2814-2828 South 7th St.
DetailsShanafelt & Forman
DetailsShultz Belting Companysouthwest corner Easton & Barton Sts.
DetailsSouth St. Louis Foundry and Machine Shopscorner Stein & Water Sts.
DetailsSouthern Stables1531 & 1533 Broadway
DetailsSpannagel & Kuhlemancorner 8th & Poplar Sts.