281 through 300 of 628 source records
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DetailsMaiden NameFirst NameLast NameBusiness NameAddress
DetailsO'Fallon Mills
DetailsO. Bennett & Co.
DetailsOne Cotton Compress Warehouse
DetailsOrr & Lindsley
DetailsP. W. Groom & Co.1031 North Main St.
DetailsPacific Fire Clay Works
DetailsPacific Mills
DetailsPacific Planing Mills411 South 16th St.
DetailsPark Avenue Iron Works
DetailsPark Mills
DetailsParker, Russell & Co.northwest corner 7th & Pine Sts.
DetailsPearl Mills
DetailsPelton Bros. & Co.
DetailsPettes & Leathe4th St. above Locust
DetailsPettes & Leathe417 & 419 North 4th St.
DetailsPhoenix Foundry
DetailsPhoenix Mills
DetailsPorter & Wolf
DetailsPrang & Brother
DetailsQuinlan & Bro.