321 through 340 of 1870 source records
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DetailsLast NameFirst NameLast Name, Alternate SpellingMaiden NameCorporate NameAddress
DetailsCadwalladerIsaac816 Pine
DetailsCampL.608 Olive
DetailsCampbellA.714 Pine
DetailsCampbellGivenTaylor & McMillan Aves.
DetailsCampbellJ.719 Olive; 1430 Whittier
DetailsCampbellJames1729 Washington Ave.; 3438 Lucas Ave.
DetailsCampbellJesse1017 North Vandeventer Ave.
DetailsCampbellWm.714 Pine; 2812 North 10th
DetailsCanfieldFrederick3744 Olive
DetailsCapeL.2700 Ellendale
DetailsCarpenterA.904 Olive; 3537 Lindell Blvd.
DetailsCarrMatthew320 Missouri Ave.; 639 Collinsville Ave.
DetailsCarrierCharles2128 St. Louis Ave.
DetailsCarsonG.710 Olive; 3141 Laclede Ave.
DetailsCarsonNorman209 North Jefferson Ave.
DetailsCarsonWm.2114 North Broadway
DetailsCaseJ.615 Olive