321 through 340 of 2769 source records
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DetailsLast Name, Alternate SpellingFirst NameLast NameLast Name, Second Alternate SpellingBuilding NameBusiness NameAddress
DetailsGeorge Wenzlick & Brother
DetailsGeorge's ExchangeOlive & 3rd Sts.
DetailsGerman American Plate Co.207 Chestnut St.
DetailsGerman Savings Institutioncorner 3rd & Pine Sts.
DetailsGermania Club803 South 8th St.
DetailsGerritzen, Bowman & Co.409 North 3rd St.
DetailsGewinner & Ammann
DetailsGibert Brothersnortheast corner 6th & Olive Sts.
DetailsGilbert Book Company205 North 4th St.
DetailsGillis Brothers205 North Main St.
DetailsGlobe Electric Belt Co.104 North Broadway
DetailsGlobe Steam Laundry1423 North Broadway; 416 Morgan St.; 1902 East Grand St.
DetailsGlobe-Democrat Job Printing Company
DetailsGodlove & Bauer Tailor Co.917 Olive St.
DetailsGoebel & Wetteraucorner of 2nd & Walnut Sts.
DetailsGoelitz Bros. Candy Company419 North Main St.
DetailsGood Luck Shoe and Clothing Store2718 South Broadway
DetailsGrabinsky & Nash
DetailsGrable & Weber509 Olive St.
DetailsGraham & Peters615 Locust St.; 2904 Olive St.