3401 through 3420 of 4551 source records
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DetailsLast NameFirst NameLast Name, Alternate SpellingMaiden NameLast Name of SellerFirst Name of SellerLast Name of BuyerFirst Name of BuyerLast Name of ArchitectFirst Name of ArchitectLast Name of Second ArchitectFirst Name of Second ArchitectCorporate NameSecond Corporate NameArchitectural Firm NameSubdivision NameAddress
DetailsKingshighway and Arsenal
DetailsWeber-Deibel Motor Co.2545 North Grand Blvd.
DetailsGlickerWilliamDunboyne Apartmentssouthwest corner of Maple Ave. and Goodfellow Ave.
DetailsGlen Forest
DetailsGibstineSadienortheast corner of Big Bend and Kingsbury Blvds.; [6959 Kingsbury Blvd.]
DetailsWatson's Home Furnishers705 Washington Ave.
Details5 Glen Forest
Details4 Tuscany Park
Details3117 Longfellow Blvd.
DetailsFrampton Super Service stationDelmar Blvd. near Taylor Ave.
DetailsWidmanArthurDesloge HospitalStudy & FarrarGrand Blvd. and Caroline St.
DetailsLafayette and Spring Aves.; 3679 Lafayette Ave.; 1650 South Spring Ave.
Details7 Clermont Lane
DetailsAshland Glass Co.2531 Kienlen Ave.
Details[Thomas Jefferson School]Lindbergh Drive; 4100 South Lindbergh Blvd.
DetailsFederal BuildingMauran, Russell & Crowellblock bounded by Market, 12th, 11th and Walnut Sts.
DetailsGodefroyCharles120 Linden Ave.
DetailsMatoushekFrancissouthwest corner of Keokuk and Bamberger; 3801-3803-3805-3807-3809-3811 Keokuk St.
DetailsAberdeen-Bellevue-Colchester-DevonshireABCD4-10-14-20 Kingshighway
DetailsHampden Hall4400 McPherson; 4404 McPherson Ave.