381 through 400 of 1870 source records
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DetailsLast NameFirst NameLast Name, Alternate SpellingMaiden NameCorporate NameAddress
DetailsCondonEva1516 Washington Ave.
DetailsConnollyPatrick1309 North 14th
DetailsConnorJames2959 Sheridan
DetailsConradC.3950 Cook Ave.
DetailsConradW.321 North Grand
DetailsConzelmanTheodore1427 Carr; 2925 Easton Ave.
DetailsCoonsHarry1627 Chestnut
DetailsCopelandW.810 Olive
DetailsCordW.Cord & Applegatesoutheast corner 14th & Washington Ave.
DetailsCoryellJohn508 South Broadway
DetailsCoryellWalter320 South 7th
DetailsCosbyVernon4318 North 20th
DetailsCottonW.1012 1/2 Olive
DetailsCoulesAnna1313 North 6th
DetailsCoussensA.600 Market
DetailsCoyleJ.3028a Easton
DetailsCraemerWm.4048 North Grand Ave.
DetailsCraffeyMary4052 Cook
DetailsCraigheadG.5088 Easton Ave.