41 through 60 of 20623 source records
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DetailsLast NameFirst NameLast Name, Alternate SpellingMaiden NameCorporate NameAddress
DetailsCharles Murtfeldt House10 Douglass Lane
DetailsWilliam W. Keysor House306 East Jefferson
DetailsGeorge Charlton Burr House345 East Argonne
DetailsMcElroy-Greensfelder House116 North Woodlawn
DetailsKirkwood Volunteer Fire Department
DetailsKirkwood Armorycorner of Adams and Kirkwood Road
DetailsKirkwood Amphitheater
DetailsKirkwood Messenger
DetailsQuinette Cemetery
DetailsWashington Avenue Tabernacle
DetailsKirkwood Armory
DetailsMonday Evening Club
DetailsKirkwood High School
DetailsW.A. Rowe Floral CompanySouth Kirkwood Road
DetailsSugar Creek
DetailsPrough Moving and Storage Company
DetailsD. Prough and Son Moving and Storage Company
DetailsSt. Louis County Art Association
DetailsYeatman, Robinson and Company
DetailsThomas Sappington HouseSappington Road between Big Bend Road and Watson Road