401 through 420 of 2769 source records
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DetailsLast Name, Alternate SpellingFirst NameLast NameLast Name, Second Alternate SpellingBuilding NameBusiness NameAddress
DetailsHome Savings and Loan Association
DetailsHooker-Colville Steam Pump Co.1101 North 2nd St.
DetailsHornet Mantel and Cabinet Company1911 & 1913 Pine St.
DetailsHotel BelvedereWashington Ave. & 13th St.
DetailsHotel Roziercorner of 13th & Olive Sts.
DetailsHotel St. Elmo Turf Saloon713 & 715 Pine St.
DetailsHouser Buildingcorner of Broadway & Chestnut Sts.
DetailsHull & Cozzens2nd & Olive Sts.
DetailsHynson Hardware Company3rd St. & Washington Ave.; 908 & 910 3rd St.; northeast corner of 4th & Franklin Ave.
DetailsI. & S. Sachs100 & 102 North Commercial St.; 100 & 101 North Levee; corner of Commercial & Chestnut Sts.
DetailsI. B. Rosenthal Millinery Co.southwest corner Broadway & Washington Ave.
DetailsImperial Laundry1115 South Jefferson Ave.; 104 North 7th St.
DetailsInebs & Meyer
DetailsInternational Bank of St. Louis
DetailsIron Mountain Drugstore1401 South Broadway
DetailsIsidor Bush & Co.213 & 215 South 2nd St.
DetailsJ. A. Duffy & Co.806 Chestnut St.
DetailsJ. A. Wolfinger & Co.
DetailsJ. Bolland & Sons
DetailsJ. Bolland Jewelry Co.8 South 4th St.