441 through 460 of 62314 source records
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DetailsLast NameFirst NameLast Name, Alternate SpellingMaiden NameCorporate NameAddress
DetailsShrewsbury Gas Works
DetailsH. L. Hussman Ref. and Sup. Co.2401 Leffingwell
DetailsUnion Quarry & Construction Co.4687 Natural Bridge
DetailsCertain-teed Products Corporation1531 North 11th
DetailsKant Break Spark Plug Co.4971 St. Louis Ave.
DetailsStandard Sanitary Manufacturing Co.4130 Forest Park Blvd.
DetailsCentury Electric Company1820 Pine St.
DetailsNational Lamp Works4142 Union Ave.
DetailsAshley St. Plant, Union Electric
DetailsL. G. LeGear Medicine Co.4219 Beck
DetailsComey Company4263 Duncan Ave.
DetailsMid-Continent Foundry Manufacturing Co.6930 South Broadway
DetailsMound City Ice and Cold Storage Co.9th and Branch Sts.
DetailsHeine Safety Boiler Co.
DetailsNational Lamp Works4142 Union Ave.
DetailsCarondelet Foundry2101 South Kingshighway
DetailsGarret & Company, Inc.4104 Union Ave.
DetailsWarren Steel Casting Co.6930 South Broadway
DetailsMessing Planing Mill Co.2716 South 3rd St.
DetailsCereal Meal Corporation2001 North 1st St.