461 through 480 of 656 source records
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DetailsLast NameFirst NameCorporate NameAddress
DetailsPetersCharlotte1519 Warren
DetailsPhelanR.2652 Pine
DetailsPierceH.4048 1/2 North Grand Ave.
DetailsPirtleJ.2714 Chouteau Ave.
DetailsPitzerGeo.1110 Chambers
DetailsPohrerWm.3100 South 7th
DetailsPollakS.1006 Olive; 1129 North Grand Ave.
DetailsPollmannL.1424 Wright
DetailsPorterWm.600 Olive; 2830 Locust
DetailsPorterWm.2614 Locust
DetailsPostM.Beaumont, southeast corner Washington Ave.
DetailsPotterO.1429 Franklin Ave.
DetailsPottingerJ.1322 Pine
DetailsPowellC.Lay & Easton Ave.
DetailsPowersE.520 Walnut
DetailsPrewittT.2126 Olive
DetailsPrichardJ.3209 Easton Ave.
DetailsPriestW.517 1/2 Chestnut
DetailsPriettoAntonia2805 St. Louis Ave.
DetailsPurkittC.7815 South 6th