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DetailsLast NameFirst NameLast Name, Alternate SpellingMaiden NameCorporate NameAlternate Corporate NameSecond Corporate NameAddress
DetailsF. Welker & Co.F. Welcker & Co.southwest corner of 5th and Olive Sts.
DetailsJones' Commercial College
DetailsSiegel & Bobb
DetailsSterling & Webster513 Pine St.
DetailsBartling, Chambers & Walsh515 Pine St.
DetailsCarr & Haynes517 Pine St.
DetailsS.D. Porter & Co.519 Pine St.
DetailsMcPherson & Warner521 Pine St., between 5th and 6th
DetailsGlobe Democrat Office
DetailsWestern Engraving Co.4th and Pine Sts.
DetailsFerguson Buildingnortheast corner of Pine and 5th Sts.
DetailsF.W. Humphrey & Co.northeast corner of Pine and 5th Sts.
DetailsJoseph P. Carr & Co.Joseph P. Card & Co.1140 North Main St.; 417 Pine St. (corner of 5th)
DetailsBalmer & Weber206 North 5th St.
DetailsBenziger Brothers
DetailsInsurance Exchange
DetailsBentley & McFarlandsoutheast corner of Olive and 5th Sts.
DetailsTheatre Comique
DetailsCavender & Rowse311 Olive St.
DetailsAllen & Hoffman