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DetailsLast Name, Alternate SpellingFirst NameLast NameLast Name, Second Alternate SpellingBuilding NameBusiness NameAddress
DetailsKuehne & Miller
DetailsKulho & Mahn
DetailsKunsemuller & Co.212 Market St.; South 2nd St.
DetailsKupferle & Boisselier
DetailsL. & J. Boeckmannnortheast corner of 9th & Mound Sts.
DetailsL. A. Moffett & Co.622 Chestnut St.
DetailsL. A. Mueller & Co.1210 Cass. Ave.
DetailsL. A. Pratt & Co.
DetailsL. C. Young Printing Company400 North 3rd St.
DetailsL. Freund's Store1958 Sidney St.
DetailsL. Friederich & Bro.2562-2566 Sullivan Ave.
DetailsL. Garvey & Co.northwest corner of Lucas Ave. & 3rd St.; Main & Market Sts.
DetailsL. L. Prince & Co.106 South Main St.
DetailsL. Mange, Sons & Co.700 North 7th St.; corner of 21st & Morgan Sts.
DetailsL. Manheimer & Co.212 North 7th St.
DetailsL. R. Wilson & Company
DetailsLaclede Gas Light Company411 & 413 North 11th St.
DetailsLaclede National Bankcorner of 4th & Olive Sts.
DetailsLafayette Brush Factory1813 South Broadway
DetailsLafayette Drug Store1800 South Broadway, corner of Lafayette Ave.