521 through 540 of 62314 source records
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DetailsLast NameFirst NameLast Name, Alternate SpellingMaiden NameCorporate NameAddress
DetailsCoronado HotelLindell and Spring
DetailsSt. Charles Electric Light and Power Co.
DetailsSt. Louis Refrigeration & Cold Storage Co. plantLewis and O'Fallon
DetailsHeil Packing Company2216 La Salle St.
DetailsHesse Envelope and Lithograph Co.Kingshighway and Penrose
DetailsMissouri Pacific HospitalGrand and Shaw Aves.
DetailsSt. Louis County Gas Company
DetailsMelbourne HotelGrand and Lindell
DetailsChase HotelKingshighway and Lindell
DetailsHotel Claridge18th and Locust Sts.
DetailsUnion Electric Employees' Country Club
DetailsLoose-Wiles Biscuit Co.14th and Clark Ave.
DetailsFairmont Hotel4901 Maryland Ave.
DetailsDining Hall at Unioin Electric Employees' Country Club
DetailsUnited Shoe Machinery Company4045 Forest Park Blvd.
DetailsPalms at Shaw's Garden
DetailsSeiloff Packing Co.4737 Natural Bridge Ave.
DetailsHuttig Sash and Door Company1220 South Vandeventer
DetailsCahokia Plant
DetailsF. W. Hanpeter Furniture Company2930 North 11th St.