561 through 580 of 1870 source records
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DetailsLast NameFirst NameLast Name, Alternate SpellingMaiden NameCorporate NameAddress
DetailsFlanniganEdward1115 Olive
DetailsFleckingerAdamFlickinger1113 Pine; 3435 Lafayette Ave.
DetailsFlemingAlbert4012 Manchester Road
DetailsFlemingW.1700 Lucas Ave.
DetailsFletcherF.701 Channing
DetailsFletcherM.410 North Jefferson Ave.
DetailsFordW.3501 Lindell Ave.
DetailsForsterO.1515 Washington Ave.; 2803 Dickson
DetailsFosterCharles2212 North 14th
DetailsFowlerCharles5371 Easton Ave.
DetailsFoyMaud3719 Cook Ave.
DetailsFrankCharles1 North Broadway; 2838 South 13th
DetailsFrankJohn1020 Morrison Ave.
DetailsFrankelCharles2134 Clark Ave.; 3746 Laclede Ave.
DetailsFranzFrancisca821 Wash
DetailsFranzH.904 Olive; 2812 North 14th
DetailsFrederkingM.2842 South 7th
DetailsFrederkingMinnie2842 South 7th
DetailsFreeseAnnie2025 College Ave.
DetailsFreesmeierMary3613 Blair Ave.