561 through 580 of 62314 source records
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DetailsLast NameFirst NameLast Name, Alternate SpellingMaiden NameCorporate NameAddress
DetailsInland Products Company4515 Shaw Ave.
DetailsMoon Motor Car Company
DetailsSouth Side Pretzel Baking Co.
DetailsTurner Building308 North 8th St.
DetailsSaratoga Bowling Alleys2725 Sutton
DetailsDittmann Shoe Co.
DetailsHarlan Court5457 Delmar Blvd.
DetailsDorris Motor Car Co.
DetailsCadillac Automobile Company2920-2922 Locust St.
DetailsTate-Gillham Motor Car Company3107-3111 Locust St.
DetailsKardell Motor Car Company3145 Locust St.
DetailsTevis Motor Company3118 Locust St.
DetailsPres-O-Lite Company2700 Locust St.
DetailsYorkleigh Apartments4954 West Pine
DetailsJ. C. Nooter1400 South 2nd St.
DetailsSt. Louis Screw Co.
DetailsChampion Shoe Machinery Co.3727 Forest Park Blvd.
DetailsBrown Shoe Company17th and Wash
DetailsParker-Russell6300 Pernod Ave.
DetailsWestern Foundry and Sash Weight Co.