661 through 680 of 2769 source records
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DetailsLast Name, Alternate SpellingFirst NameLast NameLast Name, Second Alternate SpellingBuilding NameBusiness NameAddress
DetailsPeople's Feed and Livery Stable
DetailsPeople's Pharmacy2029 O'Fallon St.
DetailsPerkins & Herpel's Mercantile Collegecorner 4th St. & Washington Ave.
DetailsPerkins & Herpel's Mercantile Collegecorner of 4th St. & Washington Ave.
DetailsPerrin & Smith206-212 Vine St.
DetailsPeter Hauptmann & Co.511 & 513 North 3rd St.
DetailsPeter White Bath Tub Company1439-1443 North 19th St.; 1900 Cass Ave.
DetailsPeter White Sanitary Company1439-1443 North 19th St.; 1900 Cass Ave.
DetailsPeters' Dry Goods and Clothing Co.corner of North 14th & Warren Sts.
DetailsPettes & Leathe
DetailsPickel Marble and Granite CompanyNorth Broadway; 2015-2027 Gratiot St.
DetailsPioneer Steam Keg Works Company2212 DeKalb St.
DetailsPironi Bros.
DetailsPlatt & Thornburgh Paint & Glass Co.620 Franklin Ave.; 816-818 North 7th St.
DetailsPlatt & Thornbury
DetailsPolston's Pharmacycorner of Broadway & O'Fallon St.
DetailsPonath & Co.515 Chestnut St.
DetailsPope's Theatre Saloon907 Olive St.
DetailsPrickly Ash Bitters Companynortheast corner of Broadway & Clark Ave.
DetailsProf. Matthews' Dye Works312 Olive St.