681 through 700 of 1870 source records
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DetailsLast NameFirst NameLast Name, Alternate SpellingMaiden NameCorporate NameAddress
DetailsGreenThomas3561 Olive
DetailsGreenWm.823 Angelica; 3898 Delmar Ave.
DetailsGreerEdward2763 Park Ave.
DetailsGreerLouisaSvoboda2613 North 12th St.
DetailsGregoryElisha3525 Lucas Ave.
DetailsGregoryElisha3525 Lucas Ave.
DetailsGriesbachH.3301 Easton Ave.
DetailsGrimmingerMargaretha2435 South 2nd
DetailsGrindonJoseph507 Ware Ave.
DetailsGriveandEmmanuel2816 Olive
DetailsGrundmanF.1000 North Jefferson Ave.
DetailsGuentherMary1725 Pendelton Ave. [1725 Pendleton Ave.]
DetailsGuhmanElsie823 Warren
DetailsGuhmanJohn2203 Benton; 1533 Carr
DetailsGuhmanM.1127 North 16th; 1533 Carr
DetailsGuhmanNicholas1127 North 16th
DetailsGuhmanNicholas1129 St. Louis Ave.
DetailsGundelachCharles1510 Washington Ave.
DetailsGundelachWm.3840 Finney Ave.
DetailsGunfingerFredericka2111 Salisbury