701 through 720 of 1870 source records
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DetailsLast NameFirst NameLast Name, Alternate SpellingMaiden NameCorporate NameAddress
DetailsGunnB.1704 Franklin Ave.
DetailsGuntherMary1725 Pendelton Ave. [1725 Pendleton Ave.]
DetailsGutherzLizzie3600 Olive
DetailsHaagenMary1417 South Broadway
DetailsHaaseMoses1105 South 7th
DetailsHabelErnst1217 South Broadway
DetailsHadleyD.720 Pine; 1916 North Grand Ave.
DetailsHaeberleChristian5901 Maple Ave.
DetailsHaeberleFrederick1100 Madison
DetailsHafmerKaty3003 Kossuth Ave.
DetailsHagenMary2024 Biddle
DetailsHagenowTheodore1500 Chouteau Ave.
DetailsHagerAugust1113 North 13th St. (old 14th St.)
DetailsHaleyRudolph3702 North Grand Ave.; 4227 Warne Ave.
DetailsHalkeHenry2238 Madison
DetailsHallGeorge1209 North Grand Ave.
DetailsHallJames919 North 19th
DetailsHallThomas1311 North Taylor Ave.
DetailsHallWillis2332 Washington Ave.