801 through 820 of 4648 source records
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DetailsLast NameFirst NameLast Name, Alternate SpellingMaiden NameCorporate NameAlternate Corporate NameSecond Corporate NameAddress
DetailsShepard School
DetailsCherokee BreweryHerold & Loebs
DetailsCherokee Garden
DetailsEvangelical Lutheran School
DetailsChurch of the Holy Cross (German Evangelical Lutheran)
DetailsChurch of St. Francis de Sales (Catholic)
DetailsSchool of St. Francis de Sales (Catholic)
DetailsEconomy Brick Co.
DetailsStaehlin Homestead
DetailsPhoenix BrewerySt. Louis Brewery Co.
DetailsPeabody Public SchoolCarroll St. and Second Carondelet Ave.
DetailsLafayette Park Hotel
DetailsCar Stables
DetailsChurch of the Unity (Unitarian)
DetailsSchnaider's Gardne
DetailsFire Engine House No. 7
DetailsCity Hospital
DetailsSchnaider's Garden and Brewery
DetailsSt. John's Episcopal ChurchDolman and Hickory Sts.
DetailsClinton Public SchoolGratton [Grattan] and Hickory Sts.