821 through 840 of 1870 source records
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DetailsLast NameFirst NameLast Name, Alternate SpellingMaiden NameCorporate NameAddress
DetailsHoffmanPhilip1 North Broadway; 705 Channing Ave.
DetailsHoffmannMary1029 High
DetailsHoganJ.904 Olive; 3951 Cook Ave.
DetailsHolkeJohn2318a Salisbury
DetailsHolmesGeorge409 North Broadway; 944 Laurel
DetailsHolscherWm.southeast corner Jefferson & Cass; 4137 Finney Ave.
DetailsHoltgreweFrederick1601 Blair Ave.
DetailsHomanGeorge919 Olive
DetailsHoogenFranz318 Lafayette Ave.
DetailsHookNorman2922 Morgan
DetailsHornA.2716 Wash
DetailsHornburgHenry1400 Monroe
DetailsHornsbyNicholas6615 Michigan Ave.
DetailsHorwitzM.1237 Wash; 2334 Wash
DetailsHotsonLouisa2305 Market
DetailsHouckFred3300 Morgan
DetailsHoustonJames610 Olive
DetailsHoutsS.904 Olive; 6259 Columbia Ave.