841 through 860 of 1870 source records
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DetailsLast NameFirst NameLast Name, Alternate SpellingMaiden NameCorporate NameAddress
DetailsHoyerOswald2301 Franklin Ave.
DetailsHuberJ.2608 South 7th
DetailsHuberJulius1524 Hebert
DetailsHuberLillie2608 South 7th
DetailsHuberMargaret5236 North Broadway
DetailsHuffellLouis913 Montgomery
DetailsHughesC.3860 Pine
DetailsHughsonJ.610 Olive
DetailsHughsonJ.610 Olive
DetailsHulbertGeorge4270 Delmar Ave.
DetailsHumpertGeorge2840 North Kingshighway
DetailsHunickeWm.1515 Washington Ave.
DetailsHurtG.219 North 14th; 901 Manchester Road; 3207 Laclede Ave.
DetailsHuthonJ.corner Chestnut & Beaumont Sts.
DetailsHypesBenjamin2005 Victor
DetailsIlesUrbancorner Easton & Kienlen Ave.
DetailsIllinskyAlex320 Missouri Ave.
DetailsIngersollCharles3519 Bell Ave.