961 through 980 of 4551 source records
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DetailsLast NameFirst NameLast Name, Alternate SpellingMaiden NameLast Name of SellerFirst Name of SellerLast Name of BuyerFirst Name of BuyerLast Name of ArchitectFirst Name of ArchitectLast Name of Second ArchitectFirst Name of Second ArchitectCorporate NameSecond Corporate NameArchitectural Firm NameSubdivision NameAddress
DetailsAmbassador Theaternorthwest corner of 7th and Locust Sts.
DetailsSt. Louis Medical Society3839 Lindell Blvd.
DetailsCentral Y.M.C.A. Buildingsoutheast corner of 16th and Locust Sts.; 1528 Locust St.
DetailsFashion Square Buildingnorthwest corner of 13th St. and Washington Ave.; 601-603-605-607-609 North 13th St.; 1301-1303-1305-1307-1309-1311-1313 Washington Ave.
Details5239 Bancroft Ave.
DetailsGralnickA.3155 South Jefferson Ave.
DetailsSt. Louis Municipal Reference Library, City Hall
DetailsHarrisonDavidSpencer ApartmentsDelmar Blvd. at Belt Ave.; 5500-5502-5504 Delmar Blvd.
DetailsCulbertsonC.GorgesChas.7302 Cornell Ave.
DetailsTruebloodWilburGrafHugoBarnes Hospital
DetailsAffWalter5530 Milentz St.
DetailsDavis Place
DetailsBarton Manufacturing Company4137 North Kingshighway
DetailsJefferson-Gravois BankJefferson Ave. at Gravois
DetailsHotel Vendomesoutheast corner of 16th and Olive Sts.
DetailsWallaceJohnReptile and Small Mammal House, Forest Park Zoo
DetailsSaum HotelSaum, architectsGrand and Castleman; 1919 South Grand Blvd.
DetailsNorthampton4972 Tholozan Ave.
DetailsPritzkerNathanGranite Building4th and Market
DetailsH. Walker Furniture Co.705-707 Lucas Ave.; 206-208 North 12th St.