981 through 1000 of 1870 source records
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DetailsLast NameFirst NameLast Name, Alternate SpellingMaiden NameCorporate NameAddress
DetailsKreutzbergConradine319 Carroll
DetailsKriegeHenry2115 Salisbury; 1529 Benton
DetailsKriegerJoseph2902 Lucas Ave.
DetailsKringEugene318 South Broadway
DetailsKringGustav2844 South 7th
DetailsKringRichard13th & Lynch
DetailsKruegerH.2837 Chouteau Ave.
DetailsKruseLouisa3424 North 19th
DetailsKuehausRebecca5209 Wells Ave.
DetailsKuehnMary3712 North 14th
DetailsKuhlmeyerWm.2200 North Market
DetailsKuhnDaniel1746 Chouteau Ave.; 1710 Chouteau Ave.
DetailsLaBargeCharles2544 North Grand Ave.
DetailsLaidleyL.1000 Olive; 3588 Washington Ave.
DetailsLairdHarry1203 Chambers
DetailsLampingCatherine1012 Biddle
DetailsLandAlbert1627 Cass Ave.
DetailsLaneHanah1832 O'Fallon
DetailsLaneL.825 Locust; 200 South 14th