1001 through 1020 of 1870 source records
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DetailsLast NameFirst NameLast Name, Alternate SpellingMaiden NameCorporate NameAddress
DetailsLaneP.2025 Market; 3640 Pine
DetailsLangFrederick1229 Victor
DetailsLanganWm.2203 Benton; 2216 Carr
DetailsLareH.1706 Lucas Place
DetailsLarewJohn2959 Gamble
DetailsLarsenGeorge3004 Arsenal
DetailsLavatSusan4530 St. Ferdinand Ave.
DetailsLawrenceJoseph9th & Olive
DetailsLe HoullierGeorge
DetailsLeavellNancy3208a Lucas Ave.
DetailsLeavyJohn502 North 6th; 3969 Finney Ave.
DetailsLebeauLouis2806 Olive
DetailsLebrechtJohn1 North Broadway
DetailsLechtreckMary1215 Clinton
DetailsLeclerqAnna1108 Carroll
DetailsLeeElbert2602 Chestnut
DetailsLeeteJames2912 Washington
DetailsLemenJosephus3217 Lucas Ave.
DetailsLeMoineE.1622 Washington Ave.