1041 through 1060 of 1870 source records
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DetailsLast NameFirst NameLast Name, Alternate SpellingMaiden NameCorporate NameAddress
DetailsLloydHenry1749 North Broadway; 904 Tyler
DetailsLoebHanau303 North Grand Ave.
DetailsLoevyAdolph3007 Cass Ave.
DetailsLoftusWm.1509 Washington Ave.; 5079 Ridge Ave.
DetailsLoganHugh2410 North Grand Ave.
DetailsLoganJohn702 Olive
DetailsLohoffWilhelmina814 Market
DetailsLongH.corner 12th & Olive
DetailsLoringCasimir4127 West Bell Place
DetailsLormisMinnie3613 South Broadway
DetailsLoveIsaac305 North Grand Ave.
DetailsLowryWm.1819 Taylor Ave.
DetailsLubenowAlvina1905 North 9th
DetailsLudwigBenedict1637 North 19th
DetailsLudwigCharles1509 Chouteau Ave.
DetailsLueckingGeorge2822 Lafayette Ave.
DetailsLuedekingRobert1800 Lafayette Ave.
DetailsLuessingAlbertina4984 Natural Bridge Road
DetailsLutzFrank1805 South Broadway