1161 through 1180 of 1870 source records
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DetailsLast NameFirst NameLast Name, Alternate SpellingMaiden NameCorporate NameAddress
DetailsMillerJohncorner Irving & Easton Ave.; 4439 Morgan
DetailsMillerLelandnorthwest corner 6th & Locust
DetailsMillerM.2331 Chouteau Ave.
DetailsMillerMinnie2331 Chouteau Ave.
DetailsMillerO.O.E. Miller Co.810 Olive St.
DetailsMilsterArthur4509a Easton Ave.; 1726 Cora Place
DetailsMitchellMaggie713 North 21st
DetailsMoeckelTeresa1169 North 13th
DetailsMoisFranz508 South 4th
DetailsMoneganGeorge1332 Chouteau Ave.
DetailsMontgomeryAlexander524 Kansas
DetailsMooneyF.2330 Washington Ave.; 2626 Gamble
DetailsMooreF.718 North Garrison Ave.
DetailsMooreJ.915 Olive; 2341 Whittemore Place
DetailsMooreRobert1511 Olive
DetailsMooreWill9 North 6th
DetailsMooreWm.86 Vandeventer Place
DetailsMootzAlbert326 Missouri Ave.