1221 through 1240 of 1870 source records
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DetailsLast NameFirst NameLast Name, Alternate SpellingMaiden NameCorporate NameAddress
DetailsMyerLouisa3456 South Compton Ave.
DetailsNagelMary3942 North 25th
DetailsNakePaul1659 South Jefferson Ave.
DetailsNayAlbertnorthwest corner 8th & Pine
DetailsNeagleJames720 Pine
DetailsNelsonEdwin950 Hamilton Ave.
DetailsNelsonHugh1421 East Grand Ave.
DetailsNemoursJohn520 South Ewing Ave.
DetailsNeubertAdolph8 South 4th
DetailsNeuhausMary1863 1/2 Cass
DetailsNeuhoffFritz1231 Chouteau Ave.
DetailsNeunWm.1806 South Broadway
DetailsNevlingS.1010 Olive
DetailsNewbertAdolph8 South 4th
DetailsNewbyJames2640 Washington Ave.
DetailsNewellJ.1227 Washington Ave.
DetailsNewlandAnna29 South 14th
DetailsNewlandAnna29 South 14th
DetailsNewlandE.southeast corner Channing Ave. & Olive
DetailsNewlandHenry2201 Olive