1261 through 1280 of 1870 source records
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DetailsLast NameFirst NameLast Name, Alternate SpellingMaiden NameCorporate NameAddress
DetailsO'GallagherJames823 North 11th; 812 North 11th
DetailsO'HaraMary3840 Texas Ave.
DetailsO'ReillyP.817 High; 2839 Lucas Ave.
DetailsO'ReillyRobert602 North 17th; 1722 Washington Ave.
DetailsO'ReillyThomas602 North 17th; 1643 Washington Ave.
DetailsO'ReillyThomas602 North 17th; 1643 Washington Ave.
DetailsOberfoelMary2115 Cherokee
DetailsOberreitherAnna2560 Warren
DetailsOchsnerCharles2136 Clark Ave.
DetailsOhmann-DumesnilA.1 North Broadway
DetailsOlcottArthurnortheast corner Grand & Easton Aves.
DetailsOldhamGeorgeVernon & Clara Aves.
DetailsOrermanD.3752 Cook Ave.
DetailsOrrCharles822 Channing Ave.; 1015 Garrison Ave.
DetailsOrthC.1437 Penrose
DetailsOsbornEllen2920 Newstead Ave.
DetailsOsbornG.914 North 21st; 4296 Natural Bridge Road
DetailsOsburnIra3702 North Grand Ave.; 4017 Green Lea Place
DetailsOttoJulia2548 Wright