1301 through 1320 of 1870 source records
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DetailsLast NameFirst NameLast Name, Alternate SpellingMaiden NameCorporate NameAddress
DetailsPeelerA.3300 Morgan
DetailsPelgreeE.1114 North 6th St.
DetailsPendletonLafayette204 North 10th
DetailsPenneyCharles2100 Market
DetailsPenseD.3132 Washington Ave.
DetailsPepenbrookJohn926 North 8th
DetailsPepperlingTheodore2003 Salisbury
DetailsPerkinsLuther406 North Jefferson Ave.
DetailsPerlerA.1805 Washington Ave.
DetailsPesoldCarl5345 Easton Ave.; 1524 Wagner Place
DetailsPetersCharlotte1519 Warren
DetailsPetersonMary3318 Blair Ave.
DetailsPfaffJ.3136 Olive
DetailsPfunderJohn3040 Marcus Ave.
DetailsPhelanR.2221 Olive
DetailsPhillipsAnnie1308 Biddle
DetailsPickettS.2601 Chestnut