1341 through 1360 of 1870 source records
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DetailsLast NameFirst NameLast Name, Alternate SpellingMaiden NameCorporate NameAddress
DetailsPooleC.southwest corner 13th & Washington Ave.; southeast corner 15th & Washington Ave.
DetailsPorterJ.523 Trendby Ave.
DetailsPorterWm.3886 Washington Ave.
DetailsPostM.27 Beaumont; 80 Vandeventer Place
DetailsPotterO.2556 North Grand Ave.
DetailsPowellCharles2 Lewis Place
DetailsPowersE.115 South 4th
DetailsPrewettT.31st near Olive; 3101 Pine
DetailsPrichardJames3233 Easton Ave.
DetailsPrichardJoseph4012 Manchester Road
DetailsPriestWarren1003 Chouteau Ave.; 517 1/2 Chestnut
DetailsPrinceL.northwest corner North Broadway & Locust
DetailsProctorJ.2001 Olive
DetailsProsserA.3109 Olive
DetailsPruettW.3109 Olive
DetailsPurkittCaleb7909 Ivory Ave.
DetailsQuarlesRalph4149 Easton Ave.; 4151 Easton Ave.
DetailsRaabeBertha919 North 4th