1601 through 1620 of 1870 source records
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DetailsLast NameFirst NameLast Name, Alternate SpellingMaiden NameCorporate NameAddress
DetailsSoraghanJohn1509 North 23rd
DetailsSpaldingJohn2655a Olive
DetailsSpaldingL.1720 Olive
DetailsSpearL.1300 Washington Ave.
DetailsSpearT.1300 Washington Ave.
DetailsSpechtFranz1436 Old Manchester Road
DetailsSpencerHoratio2725 Washington Ave.
DetailsSpiegelhalterJoseph2166 Lafayette Ave.
DetailsSpilkerH.1801 Chouteau Ave.
DetailsSpinney710 Olive
DetailsSpinzigFelix606 South 2nd; 919 Park Ave.
DetailsSpragueR.3719 Bell Ave.
DetailsSpringJosiah219 North 8th
DetailsStaakeLina2931a Rutger
DetailsStackJohn503 1/2 Missouri Ave.; 617 Summit Ave.
DetailsStaedmanIsaac2803 Pine
DetailsStandingWm.3627 North Grand
DetailsStandingerB.1703 Olive
DetailsStandleeE.1127 St. Louis Ave.