1841 through 1860 of 1870 source records
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DetailsLast NameFirst NameLast Name, Alternate SpellingMaiden NameCorporate NameAddress
DetailsWilsonJohn2648 Washington Ave.
DetailsWindhorstMartin2741 North Grand Ave.
DetailsWinterLouisa1703 South 7th
DetailsWochoskyMary4226 Oregon
DetailsWoehrlinS.7031 South Broadway
DetailsWolfnerH.2818 Washington Ave.
DetailsWoodW.810 Olive; 1423 Pendleton Ave.
DetailsWoodruffM.1220 Olive; 4259 Finney Ave.
DetailsWrightCharles4231 1/2 Easton Ave.
DetailsWrightFrancis3940 North 20th
DetailsWrightW.618 Olive
DetailsWroughtonJohn2906 Olive
DetailsWulzeEdward2304 Chestnut
DetailsWurmbTheodore1923 East Grand Ave.; 11th & Salisbury
DetailsWymanHarold623 North Leffingwell Ave.
DetailsYarnallM.1501 Washington Ave.
DetailsYoukinE.3035 Lucas Ave.
DetailsYoungAnthony2132 Clark Ave.