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DetailsLast NameFirst NameLast Name, Alternate SpellingCorporate NameAddress
DetailsSouth Side Buick Auto Co.3456 South Grand Blvd.
DetailsBarngrove & Specht112 North 7th St.
DetailsDurning & Guthrie, Inc.610 Olive St.
DetailsContinenatl Auto Supply Company5837-5839 Delmar Blvd.
DetailsBeardslee's Furnishings7th between Olive and Pine
DetailsSchuermann Jewelry and Optical Company921 South Vandeventer
DetailsChambers and Long, Inc.1123 Pine St.
DetailsS.W. Straus & Company
DetailsWeisels-Gerhart Real Estate Co.8th and Chestnut Sts.
DetailsMarshall's City Hall Garage20 South 12th St.
DetailsJ.M. Higbee Construction Co.4164 Delmar Blvd.
DetailsBoehl'sGrand and Gravois
DetailsGeo. H. Burr & Co.
DetailsM.H. Rodemeyer & Co.105 North 8th St.
DetailsW.A. Kaffenberger Jewelry and Optical Co.2907 North Newstead Ave.
DetailsHodiamont Bank6145 Bartmer Ave.
DetailsManchester Manufacturing Co.1210 South Vandeventer
DetailsJ.W. Kerr Realty Co.107 North 9th St.
DetailsA.C. Jahns Painting Co.4448 Lexington Ave.
DetailsLee Haenni Commercial Printing Company19 South 9th St.