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Source: List of deceased persons buried in St. Louis by undertaker George N. Lynch, 1846-1879. Recorded in the minute book of the Missouri Historical Society, May 13, 1887.
Location: Missouri Historical Society Records, Archives
Last Name:Farrington
First Name:Saml.
Middle Name:S.
Year of Burial:1872

Source: A Catalogue of the St. Louis High School, and the St. Louis Normal School, for the Scholastic Year 1857-58, St. Louis, Mo., December, 1857 (St. Louis [Mo.]: R.P. Studley, printer, 1857)
Location: St.L. / 379.17 / Sa2c
Last Name:Alderson
First Name:Maria
Remarks:in list of females admitted before 1855

Source: Record book of membership applications in the St. Louis Gruetli Verein, December 1, 1887-January 26, 1893
Location: St. Louis Gruetli Verein-St. Louis Schweizer Bund Records, Archives
Last Name:Michael
First Name:Nipfli
Address:California & Gravois Ave.
Birth Year:1844
Date:1890 July 10

Source: Program for the graduating exercises of St. Louis High School, June 13, 1902
Location: Schools Collection, Box 1 (filed 1860-1934), Archives
Last Name:Ehnts
First Name:Anna
Middle Name:Amelia

Source: Directory of Cabanne Methodist Episcopal Church, South: Bartmer and Goodfellow, December 1, 1906
Location: St.L. / 287.1 / C11
Last Name:Donaldson
First Name:Roxie
Address:5700 Bartmer

Source: Activities of Base Hospital No. 21 by Borden S. Veeder, 1919
Location: MO / 9.9 / B29
Last Name:Kimbrel
First Name:Gordon
Remarks:in list of enlisted personnel

Source: Thirteenth Annual Catalogue of the Officers and Members of Mrs. Cuthbert's Young Ladies' Seminary, Cor. Sixteenth and Pine Streets, St. Louis, Mo., for the Year 1877-78 (St. Louis: Jno. McKittrick & Co., 1878)
Location: St.L. / 376.63 / C972
Last Name:Perillard
First Name:Eugenie
Maiden Name:Jaccard
Residence:La Croix, Switzerland
Year of Graduation:1872
Remarks:in list of alumnae

Source: Linden Leaves (Lindenwood College yearbook), 1927-1929
Location: MO / 378 / L64Le
Last Name:Stokes
First Name:Margaret
Remarks:Student, Freshman

Source: Graduating Exercises of the Frank Louis Soldan High School, June 17, 1926
Location: Schools Collection, Archives
Last Name:Hall
First Name:Robert
Middle Name:Rathell

Source: Roster of the Western Rowing Club, 1909
Location: Clubs and Societies Collection, Archives
Last Name:Endres
First Name:Emil
Middle Name:K.
Address:2105 Withnell Ave.

Source: Maritz Team News, July 1963-March 1964
Location: Corporations and Industries Collection--Maritz, Inc., Archives
Last Name:Reiss
First Name:Rita
Date of Publication:October 1963

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